A Town Where You Live
Out in the countryside, away from the hustle and bustle of the city, was where Haruto Kirishima made his home. He led a quiet life. Then, out of nowhere, Yuzuki Eba made her way into his life. She had traveled all the way from Tokyo to spend some time with her family. The time they spent together left him besotted with the memories of that little period before she just as suddenly vanished from his life, and it also left him with a lot of unanswered questions. After some time has passed, and Haruto decides to pursue a profession as a cook, he comes to Tokyo to live with his sister in order to do so. The beginning of Kimi no Iru Machi takes place after this event. However, in all honesty, all he wants is to be with Yuzuki. However, things get off to a bad start. As soon as he comes, the neighbor of his sister's house, Mishima Asuka, attacks him because she believes he is a burglar. However, as the misunderstanding is resolved, he finds that his feelings are becoming more uncertain. Is Asuka the one for him or should he focus on Eba, who continues to avoid him for what appears to be no reason at all?
Released: 2013-07-13
Duration: 20